Our school is comprehensive and co-educational and an integral part of the Pittwater community. We have an established reputation for academic, cultural and sporting excellence with a tradition of outstanding achievement in musical performance and sailing.
Our purpose is to sustain a school culture in which students are actively engaged in learning in an environment of continuous improvement.
We aim to develop the knowledge skills and values of each child in a happy and supportive environment. The school's natural park-like environment is exceptional. Facilities are well resourced and maintained and include:
- a multi-purpose centre
- tennis courts
- networked computer laboratories
- a large oval and playing fields
- specialist facilities for agriculture and horticulture.
What we expect of our students
We expect our students to be responsible, respectful and have aspriations.
Be responsible
Students are expected to be in full school uniform.
Offensive and discriminatory behaviour including bullying, cyber bullying, verbal and physical abuse, harassment or physical violence will not be tolerated.
Mobile phones and portable electronic equipment are to be switched off and kept in your pocket.
Care for property belonging to yourself, school and others.
Respectful, safe and considerate behaviour is expected from students, including travelling to and from school.
Be respectful
Attend school and be on time every day.
Remain in class or in designated playground areas at all times.
Bicycles and scooters are to be chained to the bike racks on arrival at school.
Student motor vehicles are to be parked outside school grounds.
Students are responsible for their own valuables.
Touch football, soccer and cricket (with a soft ball) are permitted on the oval. Basketball is permitted on the courts next to the tennis courts and handball is permitted in the quadrangle.
Illicit materials, laser lights, high energy drinks, permanent markers, skateboards, aerosol sprays, chewing gum, tech decks, and liquid white out are not permitted at school.
Produce original, referenced work with appropriate citations.
Be prepared and maximise your potential.
Be an active member of the school community.