Frequently Asked Questions
What Apps do we need?
- Students will be directed to www.office.com/au and www.adobe.com. Students will need to sign in initially with their @education email address, and then login with their Portal sign in details (DET email address).
- It is recommended that the device has a word processing app such as Word, Pages, Onenote and/or Evernote and Teams, and the Adobe PDF products and tools.
What is the policy on charging personally owned devices while at school?
- It is recommended that all devices come to school with a full charge.
- Students should be made aware that the school is not responsible to provide an opportunity or the necessary power to charge their device during the school day.
Who is responsible for the security, theft or damage to the device?
- As per the User Agreement, all devices are the sole responsibility of the student.
- PHS accepts no responsibility for the security or safety of the device.
- Students are responsible for the security of the device.
- School technology support or teachers will not support, repair or troubleshoot student devices.
What happens if the device breaks while in school?
- The student will put the device away and take it home at the end of the school day where the student and parent can troubleshoot the device.
- We have limited resources and cannot provide comprehensive support for the wide variety of devices allowed under this program.
Our device is in for a service/is broken, what do we do?
Students that do not own a suitable device or are waiting for one to be repaired, can get a BYOD device loan. Loans available are:
- Short term (up to 4 weeks) $20 non-refundable payment
- Long Term (per term) $50 non-refundable per term.
These devices meet the BYOD specifications and include a charger.
BYOD Loan Program - Organising A Loan
If the student has a broken device, or a device being serviced, or are currently able to purchase a device, PHS runs a BYOD Loan Program. The steps to follow for this serivce are:
- The student must go to the IT Department (in the Learning Centre/Library) and collect the relevant Device Loan and Internet Use Form (or download the relevant form further below).
- The student must take the form home for a parent to complete if collected from the library and take it to the Finance Office for payment.
- No credit cards can be taken over the phone.
- The Finance Department will complete the remainder of the form and the student can then return it to the IT Department.
· Short Term Device Loan & School Internet Use Form
· Long Term Device Loan & School Internet Use Form
We currently are unable to purchase a device, what do we do?
Please read the BYOD Loan Program above.
How do I connect with the Department's Network?
To check whether your device will connect to the school DETNSW Wi-Fi , you can bring the device to school to check whether it connects by following these steps:
- Parents and caregivers must read the BYOD policy carefully with their children.
- Download and print a User Agreement or collect one from the front office or IT office.
- Complete the User Agreement ensuring all fields have been accurately completed and signed.
- Take your device and completed User Agreement, in person to the IT office inthe Learning Centre (Library).
- The IT staff will:
- check your device is compatible
- give you details for accessing the network
- file your User Agreement
Begin your BYOD journey by accessing all your needs for school through the student portal.
The IT staff can give you Wi-Fi access during lunch 1 and lunch 2.
Students are not able to complete this process during their timetabled lessons unless accompanied by a note from their teacher.
I already have a device – is that ok?
Yes, but you will need to check to see if your device meets the specifications. Please go to the BYOD Specifications page.
Our technicians will be able to help you identify if your device is compatible. You can ask them directly during recess or lunch. The IT office is based in the Learning Centre (library).
Will the device be protected with Internet Content Filtering?
- To facilitate instruction and practice internet safety, PHS's internet connection is protected by an internet content filter.
- Cellular data plans do not use PHS's internet connection and therefore do not use PHS's internet content filter.
- Students should only use the PHS Wi-Fi internet connection with their BYOD device while on PHS property.