I'm jane Ferris
I'm so proud to be Principal of this great school
the students never fail to inspire me
with their confidence, friendliness,
respect for each other and their commitment to their studies.
With the support of dedicated professional teachers
there are many opportunities for students to achieve personal excellence.
Our renowned band program,
agriculture facilities and
strong leadership program
have made us the number one choice in the local area.
[Music plays while pictures of school activities are shown]
[Words Drama appear on screen]
Student acting on stage - Look the last supper was a significant event in the life of our lord.
[music with mime class activity shown]
Music [words School band]
David Gleeson Teacher [speaking]
The staff at Pitwater High School are professional they have a genuine interest in the students learning and the welfare which is provided to the students in a caring and safe environment.
[Word Art over images of art activities]
[Word Science over images of science class activities]
[Word Technology over images of technology studies]
[Language - French words over video of the French class] teacher and students speak french - [teacher asks student what they did on the weekend and the student replies went to the beach]
[Language - Japanese words over video of the Japanese class] teacher asks students how to say number six in Japanese and students respond in japanese.
[Agriculture word over images and video of agricultural activites]
[Hospitality word over images of students working in a hospitality class]
[Food technology words over images of food and kitchen activity]
[David Gleeson Teacher speaking] Teachers at PHS provide the best education possible to ready the students for the challenges that present themselves when they go onwards towards university and their further studies.
[music playing]
[Sport word over images of students playing sport]
[Multicultural activities words over images of students in traditional dress]
[Japanese visitors words over images of some of our Japanese visitors]
[International students - words over images of some of our international visitors]
[Duke of Edinburgh Awards - words over images of students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards activities]
[Peer support - words over images of students taking part in peer support activities]
[Camps - word over images of students taking part in camp activities]
[Dance - word over images of students taking part in dance activities]
[Musicals - word over images of students taking part in musical productions]
[Parent speaking]
The most important thing for me is to know that my kids are happy at school.
They love the extra chances they have in band, school musical and sport.
The teachers here are great, they're professional and creat a safe and nurturing environment for the kids while still challenging them in their learning.
[School contact details]