Pittwater High School


Telephone02 9999 4035


The elective music course in Year 9 and Year 10 is designed to develop student's performance skills in solo and ensemble playing, appreciate the music of successful composers and learn how to develop their own techniques in composing. 

Pittwater High "The Last Centaur"

Pittwater High "Surfonic Winds"

Pittwater High "Pomp and Circumstance"

Pittwater High "Korean Folk Song"

Course outline

Through the learning experiences (musicology, performance, composition and listening), students will study the concepts of music in a variety of contexts.


Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through performing as a means of self-expression, interpreting musical symbols and developing solos and/or ensemble techniques.


Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through composing as a means of self-expression musical creation and problem solving.


Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through listening as a means of extending aural awareness and communication ideas about music in social, culture and historical contexts.

Assessment of the music subject

The music subject is assessed on:

  • performance examinations
  • music theory examinations
  • composition assignments
  • aural skills examinations
  • musicology assignments.

Music is a subject for all years

Can you do this subject in the senior school?

Yes, either music course 1 or music course 2.  In the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) year extension music may be chosen.